Early Head Start Program
Early Head Start is a program for pregnant women and families with children up to 3 years of age. Our Early Head Start program in Waukesha and Washington counties is home-based. Our talented staff visits you in your home, where you and your child are most comfortable and at ease.
Since 1998, Waukesha County’s Early Head Start program has served hundreds of pregnant women and families with children under 3. We seek to partner with you, your child’s most important teacher, to ensure your baby’s healthy development during the critical early years. In 2010 we extended our Early Head Start services to include Washington County.
Our Program Includes:
- Staff with unmatched credentials.
- Infant/toddler playgroups—a chance for you and your child to meet and get to know other families with similar-aged children.
- Family resources (videos, DVDs, and books on a variety of parenting topics).
- Free family field trips.
- Free training opportunities for parents.
- Monthly family gatherings include fun activities for the entire family.
- Ongoing free parent groups designed according to families’ interests, including fathers’ groups and groups for pregnant moms.
- We partner with Birth to 3 providers to offer services for children of all abilities.